Samsung Galaxy A10 review: What you need to know

samsung galaxy a10

While for some the Samsung Galaxy series starts with the S and terminations with the Note, there's also the Galaxy A, which covers Samsung's mid-reach and samsung galaxy a10 area level handsets. The Galaxy A10 is the most affordable Samsung on proposition, and that infers you get a genuinely curious mishmash of stylish arrangement yet limited innards.Powered by Samsung's own Exynos 7884 processor (that is generally comparable to a Snapdragon 450) and 2GB of RAM, the 6.13in handset has a 720p LED screen and a solitary focal point 13-megapixel camera. So while as far as plan it doesn't look 1,000,000 miles from Samsung's leaders of a long time back, inside it's an altogether unique story.

Samsung Galaxy A10 audit: Price and contest

The Samsung Galaxy A10 sent off at £140 back in Spring 2019, and it's persistently kept up with that sticker cost - something of a unique case for Samsung handsets, which will more often than not fall moderately rapidly. samsung galaxy a10

The clearest rival is Samsung's later Galaxy A21s which sent off recently at £180, however has fallen in cost to around the £150 mark. A similar applies to the average Oppo A5, which has dropped £30. Likewise staying nearby that price tag is the incredible Nokia 5.3, which is adhering to its unique £150 asking price.A piece of a trump card I'm including here is the quad-camera-carrying Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T, which initially sold for £179, however can now be had for £150. Indeed, it's been overshadowed by the Redmi Note 9 now, yet as the more up to date model is keeping close by £200 it's not exactly tantamount.

Samsung Galaxy A10 audit: Design

samsung galaxy a10

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As I suggested before, the Samsung Galaxy A10 is an attractive telephone. Spending plan handsets are as of now not thick things with huge bezels, and initially you could undoubtedly befuddle the Galaxy A10 with a leader from a couple of years prior. It's simply 7.7mm thick, its bezels are around a millimeter (generally: the 'jawline' is somewhat thicker), and keeping in mind that a camera score is available, it's extensively less apparent than current iPhones.

Samsung Galaxy A10 audit: Design

As I insinuated before, the Samsung Galaxy A10 is an attractive telephone. Financial plan handsets are as of now not stout things with colossal bezels, and initially you could without much of a stretch befuddle the Galaxy A10 with a leader from a couple of years prior. It's simply 7.7mm thick, its bezels are around a millimeter (generally: the 'jaw' is somewhat thicker), and keeping in mind that a camera score is available, it's extensively less apparent than current iPhones.

Look nearer, nonetheless, and there are indications that this is a spending plan offering. First off, the back is made of plastic as opposed to the glass covering you ordinarily get on additional costly telephones. There's just a single camera on the back, as well, and the explanation you can't see a finger impression peruser isn't on the grounds that it's an extravagant in-screen model, however essentially in light of the fact that there isn't one. In its place, Samsung guarantees you can utilize your face to open, yet without the extravagant forward looking camera of a Pixel 4 or an iPhone Xs it doesn't feel like it's the best type of security.With no finger impression peruser, you'll be unsurprised to hear that remote charging is an off limits, however more astonishing is that this is a Samsung telephone you can purchase in 2020 that actually utilizes a microUSB charge link. That implies more slow charging and information move speeds, yet on the brilliant side, it most likely means you have a lot of old links to use when absolutely necessary.

There are, notwithstanding, a few up-sides that more costly handsets frequently exclude, similar to its help for two SIM cards on the double. Considerably more pleasingly, it upholds microSD cards of up to 512GB and keeps up with the 3.5mm earphone jack - the two highlights that the entirely new £849 Galaxy Note 20 precludes.

Samsung Galaxy A10 audit: Screen

The Samsung Galaxy A10's 6.13in screen is an IPS LCD number, and it's obviously where the organization is making reserve funds. In spite of the fact that it's stunningly sans bezel at the cost, you will not be getting QHD or even Full HD here - all things being equal, you're restricted to 720p.

Truly, I'm good with that on a fundamental level. In the event that I can live with 1080p on a 40in TV, then, at that point, 720p on a more modest screen is okay with me assuming it saves a couple of quid, yet how can it act in our presentation tests?Pretty well, it just so happens, particularly when you think about the minimal expense of section. As per our colorimeter, the Galaxy A10 covers 83% of the sRGB range, with a volume of 85.3%. Brilliance comes to an entirely sensible 444cd/m2, and differentiation is a fair 1147:1 too.

Honestly, this isn't a screen that offers any sort of rivalry to £800 leads using any and all means, yet it's entirely usable and you can't have any protests for the price.Samsung Galaxy A10 survey: Performance

However, more forceful expense cutting is happening inside. Besides the fact that the telephone controlled by is Samsung's own Exynos 7884 chip, yet there's simply 2GB of RAM to assist with keeping things moving along as expected.

Furthermore, obtusely, it battles to deal with that. Applications are delayed to open and there's a recognizable slack from when you press a text field to the on-screen console springing up. I'd anticipate these things following a time of telephone utilization, yet it occurring with a new introduce of Android is a little disturbing.


Then again, it is great to see Samsung incorporate a modern working framework, specifically One UI. The in-house custom variant of Android 9 Pie can be found on other Samsung cell phones as well, with our survey unit having the July set of safety patches introduced during testing. These were moderately later, for reference.

One UI integrates a unique element that permits applications to be replicated for use on two client accounts, which can be very helpful for informing applications, among others. The Galaxy A10 has Widevine Level 1 DRM accreditation, implying that it can stream content from any semblance of Amazon Prime Video and Netflix in HD.

Samsung preinstalls some in-house applications and a couple of publicizing applications, the greater part of which can be effectively uninstalled. There is the standard arrangement of Google applications as well.

Correspondence and GPS

As referenced before, the Galaxy A10 upholds Wi-Fi 4, with it averaging around 50 Mb/s in our iperf3 Client Wi-Fi tests with our Linksys EA8500 reference switch. Our audit unit completed in the midfield of our examination tables yet is well beneath the class normal.

The underlying modem upholds 10 LTE groups, which isn't sufficient inclusion to think about the Galaxy A10 an intercontinental gadget. Thus, we would suggest checking whether the Galaxy A10 will work in the country to which you are going before you do as such. If not, you might end up attempting to interface with a LTE organization. As it turns out, our audit unit kept up with respectable organization gathering on the German D2 network with around 3/4 sign strength in metropolitan regions.

Phone Features and Call Quality

Samsung preinstalls its in-house telephone application, which puts the attention on the keypad. The application works similar as the standard Google one with its tabs for contacts, call history and top choices. Samsung has incorporated a spots tab as well, would it be advisable for you really want assistance finding a neighborhood eatery, bistro or fascination.

The call nature of our survey unit over its little earpiece is OK however a piece disappointing. The individual on the opposite finish of the call sounds clearly yet in addition dulled and joined by a lot of foundation clamor. The mouthpiece gets our voice very well however, regardless of whether we talk somewhat more unobtrusively. The underlying speaker and without hands usefulness have tantamount sound quality to that of the earpiece, with foundation clamor and dulled voices likewise being the standard.


We didn't hope for something else than single front-and back confronting cameras for a sub-US$200 cell phone and Samsung didn't dishearten. The South Korean organization furnishes the Galaxy A10 with a 13 MP back confronting sensor and a 5 MP forward looking sensor. While the market has moved onto packing whatever number focal points as could be allowed into cell phones, everything being equal, one great focal point can frequently deliver improved results than numerous focal points, just like with the Google Pixel series of cell phones.

The back confronting camera takes nice photographs by and large, in spite of the fact that they miss the mark on detail. Sharpness levels could be higher as well, while scenes frequently look overexposed, which is doubly more terrible thinking about that the sensor needs powerful reach. Enormous areas of homogenous tones contain antiquities after looking carefully, which is a disgrace. Notwithstanding, the Galaxy A10 takes great pictures at a cell phone in its cost range, however we would suggest you look somewhere else assuming you are an aggressive photographic artist. To put it plainly, the 13 MP back confronting camera is the most ideal for a periodic photographic artist.

The back confronting camera can likewise shoot recordings in up to 1080p at 30 FPS, with the sensor changing openness levels well in changing lighting conditions. Our audit unit did this so well that we barely saw it doing as such during our test accounts. Variety advances at times look filthy however, which recommends that the gadget exceptionally packs video film. Once more, aggressive photographic artists will rapidly get baffled with its picture quality, however it ought to be adequate for a great many people who shoot a periodic brief video.

The forward looking camera additionally takes respectable pictures, however the sensor frequently underexposes scenes. In addition, we saw picture commotion overwhelming numerous regions, even without looking carefully.

Extras and Warranty

Samsung incorporates a charger, USB link and earphones in the case, alongside the standard arrangement of guarantee and authoritative records. The South Korean organization at present sells no Galaxy A10 explicit embellishments on its site, for reference.

The Galaxy A10 accompanies a two year maker's restricted guarantee. If it's not too much trouble, see our Guarantees, Return Policies and Warranties FAQ for country-explicit data.

Input Devices and Operation

Samsung preinstalls its in-house console application as the default, however you can supplant this with others from the Galaxy or Google Play Stores on the off chance that you like. The application functions admirably as we would like to think however, so we would suggest attempting it before exchanging it for Google Gboard.

The equipment buttons feel a piece modest when squeezed, however they sit solidly in their lodgings. Disappointingly, the Galaxy A10 misses the mark on type of biometric confirmation, with Samsung discarding a unique finger impression scanner. You can utilize 2D face open, however this main catches a picture of your face utilizing the forward looking camera, which isn't quite so secure as something like Apple Face ID. It can't be utilized for significant level security like banking applications or secret phrase administrators, so it's anything but a biometric security highlight. All things being equal, you should get these applications with a secret phrase, example or PIN.


The Galaxy A10 has a 6.2-inch IPS board that works locally at 1520x720. It accomplished a normal most extreme brilliance of 430 compact disc/m² as per X-Rite i1Pro 2 and has a 90% uniformly lit backdrop illumination. While the previous is somewhat faint contrasted with the greatest glows of the presentations in our correlation gadgets, the oversight of a splendor sensor is more reprehensible. Indeed, even most financial plan cell phones support programmed splendor now, so we can't comprehend the reason why Samsung has cost-cut here


The Galaxy A10 performed well in our gaming tests as well, with it averaging 60 FPS in Arena of Valor even on high illustrations. More intricate games like Asphalt 9: Legends, then again, infrequently drop as low as 17 FPS on high illustrations. However, bringing the designs down to standard outcomes in more steady interactivity.

The accelerometer and touchscreen worked flawlessly during our gaming tests, for reference.



Surface temperatures crested at 38.7 °C under load, which will feel warm to the touch however not horrendously so. Notwithstanding, the majority of the gadget doesn't reach 35 °C, while all areas stay under 30 °C out of gear.

There are additionally no warm choking issues. We exposed our survey unit to GFXBench battery tests, with the framework reliably accomplishing a similar casing rates paying little mind to how long we ran the benchmarks


Samsung outfits the Galaxy A10 with a mono speaker, which it has put on the rear of the gadget. While the speaker gets clearly, arriving at a limit of 86.1 dB(A) during our tests, its situating isn't great. Putting the gadget on any surface, particularly delicate ones like dress or delicate decorations, stifles the sound that the speaker produces. Besides, the speaker overemphasizes high-frequencies at high volumes. However, bringing down the volume marginally makes a more adjusted listening experience. The mono speaker battles to imitate bass tones as well, however that is the case even with speakers in lead cell phones.

We would suggest utilizing outer sound hardware where conceivable, which you can associate either by means of Bluetooth or the 3.5 mm jack. The two strategies performed impeccably during

Power Management

Power Consumption

The Galaxy A10 is less practical than the Galaxy A20e, which is presumably a result of the previous' a lot bigger screen. Our audit unit consumes somewhat more than the Galaxy A20e out of gear, however the hole extends dramatically under load, with the Galaxy A10 consuming more than all our other correlation gadgets as well. Samsung remembers a 5 W charger for the container, however the Galaxy A10 consumed up to 6 W during our tests. Henceforth, don't anticipate that the gadget should remain charging assuming you are pushing it hard.

In general, the Galaxy A10 wraps up in the midfield of our examination table. While it consumes more than all of our correlation gadgets under load, it is more proficient out of gear, offering it the edge over the Honor 8A, Nokia 3.2 and Xiaomi Redmi 7.
